32,00 € sis alv 25.5%
White Sirius is the culmination of a period of two years work resulting from repeated crossings that resulted in creating this fine cannabis specimen. Cross-breeding White Russian, Chem Dog and Great White Shark was clearly going to deliver something extraordinary and White Sirius certainly doesn’t disappoint. It is 80% sativa with just 5% Lowryder genetics to make it into an auto-flowering wonder.
It develops into a large, multi-branched plant with a very good covering of foliage and its buds are liberally covered in sparkling white resin crystals – no big surprise given its heritage but no less welcome either! White Sirius Auto grows to a height of between 60 – 120 cm. tall yielding 50 – 150 gr/plant. It is ready to harvest at 75 – 85 days from seedling.
Lab. testing has revealed CBD content at an amazing 0% (not a typo.) and with 18% THC yet subjects trialling this strain for medicinal benefits reported great effectiveness for headaches and muscle pain as well as general pain relief. This white strain will surprise with its effects which include euphoria, laughter, motivation and creativity. In short it will brighten the dullest day and give everyone reason to smile.